Rosie Sowa

Hometown: Cumberland, RI

How long have you been in NYC?
Almost 7 years.

What are some of your favorite past projects?
Bull (CBS), The Last Five Years, All My Sons, The Improbable Fall, Rise & Fall of John Law

Have you worked with Dreamscape before?
Previously in The Fall, Rise and Fall of John Law. I come back for the amazing people and the willingness to take chances on exciting new work.

What about PETE REX excites you?
I'm excited about Pete Rex because it's just such clever and unique story-telling. Alex is really speaking to issues that will touch the core of a broad demographic of people, especially in our current climate. It is hilarious and terrifying at the same time which is like a delicious meal as an actor.

If you were a dinosaur, what kind would you be?
I have never thought about what dinosaur I relate to! This weirdly feels like a lot of pressure. I've always been really fascinated by that cute little dinosaur in Jurassic Park that suddenly fans out its neck and spits poison and is just TERRIFYING. Zero to sixty. Maybe that one. I'm usually pretty laid back and approachable, but every once in a while I just go berserk. Not so much in a spitting poison way, but it's a funny analogy.


Written by Alexander V Thompson
Directed by Brad Raimondo

Greg Carere, Rosie Sowa,
& Simon Winheld

at 59E59 Theaters

Tickets on sale now!
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